4 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners
Posted: July 26, 2021

As a pet owner, you know your pet is a beloved and cherished member of the family. Pets can bring years of memories that will last a lifetime, peace in difficult times, and companionship for children and adults. However, we all know that our beloved pets can also shed excessive hair and pet dander.
If excessive pet hair/dander is left unchecked for even a short period of time it can lead to HVAC issues. Clogged air filters and vents can impede the flow of air from the central air conditioning system of your home causing it to work at a lower efficiency and even have an impact on your indoor air quality in severe enough cases. Here are a few tips to keep your HVAC unit running at peak efficiency as a pet owner:
- Pet Grooming - Some pet breeds are known more than others for shedding. Grooming is essential whether or not the breed you have sheds at a higher rate, but if you do have a breed that sheds more it's important to groom more frequently. Frequent grooming will help to improve your indoor air quality and the longevity of your AC system.
- Change AC Filters Frequently - Changing the AC filter frequently is another simple, yet important step as a pet owner. Pets shed hair and dander, when the AC filter is left untouched and it accumulates dust, pet hair, and pet dander, it can lead to issues such as lowered air quality, lower efficiency of the unit due to it taking longer to cool the area.
- Clean the Air Vents & Ducts - Just as failing to change the air filters frequently can lower the efficiency of the unit, so cannot cleaning the air vents and air ducts regularly. Excessive pet hair and dander can clog the vents quicker than you may think. You’d also be surprised at the amount of hair and dander that can make its way to the ducts. If this is left unchecked, and efficiency is impacted, it could result in higher bills and needed repairs. We have duct cleaning and duct sanitizing services available. During duct cleaning we come to your residence with specially crafted equipment and run a camera through the ductwork, this will allow us to see any troublesome areas that need extra attention.
- Keep up with AC Maintenance - This is so important as a homeowner or business owner. Failing to keep up with maintenance can result in costly repairs. If you are a business owner it can result in not only costly repairs but money lost in sales as well. Our team is built with professional technicians who are here to help. We offer a number of products that can improve air quality. We also have a number of services available to help your unit work and continue to work at top-level efficiency. Whether it's a quick system checkup or a full tune-up, our technicians work hard to get your unit functioning as it should to keep you and your pets cool and comfortable.
Please contact us today if you have any questions regarding air conditioning maintenance for your Brevard County, Florida home or business. Our certified technicians and certified installers are available to you 7 days a week.
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